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On the 18th-22nd of March for the first time European commission organized Media literacy week. Thus, Vilnius Salomeja Neris gymnasium, who is pursuing to become the first media gymnasium in Lithuania and who is participating in Erasmus+ project Media: to Understand and to Create. The Implementations of the Media Education in School (IMES) decided to join in.

European Media literacy week began with a round-table discussion with pupils of the gymnasium. The main topic of the discussion was media and how we learn it. Pupils openly shared various thoughts and ideas. The information gathered through the discussion will help to perfect current media education curriculum in the gymnasium.

On Tuesday the 19th of March an exhibition Grasp of Media was opened. 19 posters on the understanding of media made by pupils were exhibited to the public. We were happy to find out that our partner Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Faculty of Creative Industries decided to establish prizes for the best posters.

It is wonderful that the important of media literacy is felt by Lithuanian politicians as well. On Tuesday the 19th of March the gymnasium had a lecture with Minister of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania Virginijus Sinkevicius. He talked about the significance of new media, future professions, innovation, and personal media usage.

Moreover, on Friday the 22nd of March one more lecture was held. Member of the Seimas Laurynas Kasciunas talked to pupils on the topic of national security. There were also various discussions on security, social injustice in Lithuania, military (obligatory and voluntary) and the content portrayed through media.

The whole European media literacy week ended with a movie night organized by student council. More than 80 pupils from various Vilnius schools gathered in the gymnasium. After the movie a contest was organized and the winners were awarded.

We are happy with this European commission initiative and we hope that next year this initiative will be joined by more schools from Lithuania.

Vilnius Salomeja Neris gymnasium media project (IMES) group.

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On the 15th of November Vilniaus Salomeja Neris gymnasium had an opportunity to present our school and our Erasmus+ project IMES (Media: to Understand and to Create. The Implementation of the Media Education in Schools) at the conference of the Nordplus Horizontal project Media Literacy, Reuse and Heritage in Education, which was held in Vilnius (at Vilnius University Faculty of Communication). Our gymnasium shared the activities carried out in the area of media literacy and the foreseen results of IMES project for the representatives of Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Universities.

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From the 5th to 9th of November once again six partner organizations from Greece, Croatia and Lithuania gathered here in Lithuania. This time we met for a short-term joint staff training event. Such a busy and amazing week passed very quickly and left many memories.

The adventures began by our Croatian partners losing their luggage upon arrival. Even if we could not fly their luggage from Kiev, using our critical and creative thinking we could at least bring some comfort with a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Luckily, their luggage was brought the next day and they did not need to freeze in Lithuania.

And then the studies began. We are grateful not only to our partner VGTU for the most informative lectures presented in their faculty and also in Linkmenys factory, but also we appreciate the opportunity to visit the Seimas and have a discussion on National Security with S.Tumėnas and L.Kasčiūnas. We were also delighted to have a lecture on Propaganda and Fake News by the First Secretary Mr Berislav Živkovič. Moreover, we were introduced to a lot of possibilities of new media at the Centre for civil education. Of course we cannot forget to say thank you to our associated partner NGO Meno Avilys who apart from introducing the concept of Travelogue gave us the first practice task.

It was such a busy week that even the free time of our guests was occupied by filming travelogues, video montage and their presentations. Nonetheless, a hard week cannot overshadow all the knowledge received and great time spent together. We will see all of you in Croatia!!!!!!

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Our project aims at the implementation of the new media education in secondary schools. There will be two intellectual outputs: the curriculum Media and Society and methodological materials for the curriculum. 

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